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CLOSE BY NETWORK   Announcement
As a loyal customer of Intuitive Integration, LLC, you know our commitment to innovation, quality consumer electronic systems, and great service. That’s why we’re letting you be the first to know about a new product for which we have just become a certified dealer.

We’re excited to introduce CloseBy Network™. This innovative new product, built on the Control4 home automation system, is a network of sensors and software tied to a web application that allow you to monitor an elderly loved one’s activities in real time.

We all know there’s no place like home for an elderly loved one. But caring for them can take its toll. CloseBy Network lets your loved one continue to live independently, while you share the caretaking responsibilities between siblings, children, neighbors and other caregivers included in your network.

For less than the cost of one month in an assisted living facility, you can install CloseBy Network and monitor your loved one’s activities in the home with messages sent by e-mails, texts, or the internet.

CloseBy Network lets you choose what to monitor, how to receive the information, and who should be notified. Depending on where you place the sensors, you can be notified when you loved leaves and returns, gets out of bed, opens the refrigerator or medicine cabinet, and if he is moving normally about the house. You can also receive an alert if there is no activity within a specified time, or if you loved one pushes the “contact me” button for help.

We invite you to come in for a demonstration of the CloseBy Network. Give us a call at 425-771-4343 to set up an appointment.

Creating a strong foundation of support is the greatest gift you can give your loved one—and yourself. So call us today. And be CloseBy.